GIU Summer Technology Camp, 2020

Date: Monday, July 27, 2020

German International University (GIU) hosted a Summer Technology Camp in the New Administrative Capital for two rounds from 20th   to 22nd   & from 26th   to 27th   of July, 2020. A third round will be organized on 12th & 13 of August 2020 at GIU campus for newcomers

The camp is designed to introduce the students to the latest technologies in the fields of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, computational thinking, and game design, which are the main pillars of today’s technology, especially artificial intelligence which has become part of our daily life.

Students have the chance to explore the three fields over the days of the camp. The curricula were designed by specialized instructors to make sure to simplify the content to students and make it fun and as possible.

A ceremony was held by the GIU at the GIU campus in the New Administrative Capital to hand over the certificates to students who have attended the camp. A Speech was first delivered by Prof Dr. Ashraf Mansour Co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the GIU to thank the students for their enthusiasm. GUC Vice President of Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Slim Abdennadher and GIU First Year Dean Prof. Dr. Amr Elmougy then handed the certificates to students who have attended the camp.


A glimpse about the fields:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) represents the most growing technology nowadays. It is no longer something you only see in science fiction movies. Applications that use some sort of AI are currently everywhere such as in gaming, banking, security, healthcare, industry, and many other fields. These applications are expected to evolve in the very near future to be an essential component of our daily life. The camp will give an introduction to the field of AI covering the basics of simple AI approaches. The camp will also provide some hands-on programming tasks using Python.

Robotics: Programming Robots

This course will introduce the students to the basics of using and programming hardware elements. Students will use Arduino Kits. They will be able to program an autonomous car by the end of the camp. Students will learn the robotic terms and have hands-on experience. The camp will allow them to understand how the smart home devices work from the inside and will allow them to build their own.

Game Design

The course is designed to make students familiar with using Unity3D for creating cross platform games. Throughout the course we focus on multiple aspects in Unity3D, from light to camera to the physics engine and to writing code in order to manipulate the game objects. At the end of the course, students will be able to prototype their game ideas and create a demo/simple game that is playable on multiple devices.

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